Above is the before picture. Now this is not the TRUE before picture. When we bought the house, last May, all of the walls were painted a yucky taupe and each and every room had a mud-brown "accent" wall. The first thing we did was have painters over erasing it all...
Here is the new dining room. I had much angst over painting this room. I knew I wanted something a little bold but I didn't want it to look like something from Wonderland. I decided to use one of my "life lines" and chose to "ask the expert". My question was answered and with a little guidance and some words of encouragement from Layla, I went pedal to the metal. Thanks Layla!!
The color I finally decided on is called Khaki by Ralph Lauren. I don't think it looks anything like khaki. When I opened the paint can I thought it looked a whole lot like a baby food jar of peas.
I am still in the process of deciding what to do with the windows. They are bare right now and they look ok, but they really need something. I have some ideas rolling around...
It took me an entire day to paint and move all of the furniture around. I took pictures of each section of my china cabinet prior to moving it so I would know where to put everything back once I had moved it. And, if you do not have those plastic moving discs I suggest you run out to get some ASAP! I moved everything in that room - BY MYSELF! Well, Trey put the discs under the furniture while I lifted it up. So, I did have a little assistant. The rest of the time he played outside or in his room and was very good while I tackled my project. Thanks Trey!
Please no nasty comments about the perpetually lopsided table cloth. Trey thinks under that table is his hideout. I don't know that it will ever be even except for the first five minutes it's on... Besides, this is the house of M with many little M's all over the place. Not a museum!