You know the kind of guy who, one minute, will make you want to pull your hair out. But also, the kind of guy who the next minute will say or do something so sweet or kind your heart flutters the way it did when the relationship was "new".
You know the kind of guy who could sleep through a newborn waking in the night but regularly take on doodie duty.
You know the kind of guy who wakes up at 5:00 every morning to go to work and comes home in the evening to work on the next great house project I've come up with.
You know the kind of guy who if he doesn't know how to do that house project will pick up a book and learn, just to make me happy.
You know the kind of guy who can't quite get his clothes in the hamper, even though the lid has been removed for ease of entry. (Don't look so surprised, That kind of guy.)

And the kind of guy who repeatedly hangs the laundry backwards on the hanger but willingly helps out just so I don't have to do it again.

You know the kind of guy who will stand strong for his beliefs and values regardless of the challenges and oppositions he endures. And you know the kind of guy who is strong, and honorable, and committed, and smart, and fair, and supportive? Well, that's my husband. And, he's THAT kind of guy!